Tuesday, June 4, 2013

God Bless the Chickens!!

This morning I was up at the crack of dawn to take some of my chickens in for butchering...in my little car. We have several trucks on the farm but they were all being used to irrigate this morning! JD helped me load the chickens into a live trap and into my back seat and off we went. As I was driving along the interstate I thought to myself... I hope I don't have an accident it would really upset my chickens and make a feathery mess. Lol!! I sang to my chickens, told them I loved them and thanked them for their lives during our 40 minute journey. I'm so blessed that I live on a farm where I can raise happy and healthy animals that are good for my family. At our house life happens around the dinner table and there is no better food than the food you raise and grow yourself!!! God bless the chickens!!